Monday, April 30, 2012

Pinterest Tips

While guest bloggers galore have taken over my site, I have had some time to do some pinning and homework. I love the first one! The second one is necessary.

Last week one of my fellow bloggy friends send me a link she knew I would love and she was right!

I use pinterest as my visual file cabinet. I have a collaboration board for 3-6 teachers with free resources on it. I use it to search for things I am looking for - kind of like a visual form of google.

I rarely change the comments if I am repinning. It just takes too much time! I did discover if I highlight a portion of text prior to hitting the pin it button in my tool bar that the highlighted portion will become my comment. Great tip that saves a ton of time!

But who would have know there were so many ways and uses! I am sure this is only the beginning of the options. How do you use pinterest?

1 comment:

  1. I never change comments either! lol! Thanks for the tip about highlighting!
    Sample’s Superstars


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