I decided to open my lesson plan with an amazing book that my youngest son loves. The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns is a reference utilized by many teachers. I found it on YouTube!
After each shape is introduced pause the video or stop reading. Using a Chinese Jump rope have each table group recreate the shape. If you prefer to have your students do this independently use a geoboard.
To help students remember the names of the various regular polygons. I found this song on YouTube. My seven-year old is still singing this in the background as I write this blog. He loves it, he asked me to print out the words to it and it is hanging up in his room.
I next used this amazing kit from Laura Candler which was available for free during the Teacher Appreciation Jackpot. I only used the polygon sort for the lesson plan.
I followed this up with my BUILD Math Masters Interactive Notebook. Where we took notes and drew pictures of the various polygons. Once I finish completing my unit on polygons, I will have the complete set of materials for sale at my store.
To help further support this I used some of the WBT techniques I have been sharing with you. Class-Yes, Switch, and Teach-Okay. This lesson was my first with WBT and I can't wait to do more! (During this class, I discovered WBT for the first time so have been learning about this while studying.)
I am so excited about how this came out! This unit is aligned to the Common Core Standards (CCSS) 3.G.1.
After introducing this concept, we will move onto more complex geometry concepts. The items introduced will then be moved into BUILD so that students can reinforce this less by repeating various parts of it.
B - Polygon Sort can be added to the games section.
U - The geoboards can be added here along with cards asking them to recreate a shape. Answers on back of the card.
I - Having an iPad or computer set up so students can re-view the video "The Greedy Triangle." Also include this in book format and other books on polygons.
L - There is no "L" for this lesson plan.
D - Worksheets from our curriculum.
I have included my wishlist for use with introducing polygons.Many of these I have already read, I just need to purchase them for my class. As the unit continues, I will add additional books on this topic.
What are your favorite books about polygons? Do you have other resources you use for teaching this?
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