Friday, July 13, 2012

Conscious Discipline - Chapter 1 - Part 2

So most of this week I have been talking about Conscious Discipline and wanted to wrap it up with the rest of chapter one today.

Random note --

I had an interview for a substitute teaching position this morning... it was just a formality. I already knew I was hired. Anywho... instead of a "normal" interview we discussed my future with the school district. When do I graduate? When is my student teaching? What school do I want to work at? What grade level do I want to teach? What year do they need to have my spot open for me?

YES!!  I just got offered a third full-time position and again I can go any where in the district that I would like to go. I have to meet with the Superintendent in the next week or so to discuss some special project he has for me this year.

Back to Conscious Discipline --

The next part of the chapter teaches all about how the brain works. It discusses stress and the brain and temperament of both you and the child. I LOVE where it talks about a "good fit" between temperaments. There are some people that just seem impossible to get along with. This explains why AND how you can improve your "fit."

Principle #4: Your job is to keep the classroom
safe so children can learn. The child's job is to 
help keep it safe.

One of my pet peeves as a parent is a classroom that is not psychologically supporting my child. Translation... the classroom where "some" bullying is allowed as "children will be children." I feel that any level can easily be escalated beyond control. 

I LOVE the idea of creating a safe place in your classroom. In fact, I have designed one into my classroom not knowing about this part of the book. I have a chair for my kiddos, a small table with a lamp, a note pad and special pins, a monster to eat the notes, Mr. McPea as a friend to hold onto, and an Australian Flag to cuddle in. I call my safe place... Australia after the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. 

I need to make a sign. 

Do you have a safe place in your classroom? Do you think it is just a waste of space or a needed spot? Does it have multiple uses? 

I use mine for tattling and if someone is sick as well. Its kinda my "I need some space" zone. 

I found it interesting that morning meetings should always be done in a circle so everyone feels equal BUT what if there is not enough room? In too many classrooms space is extremely limited. In my classroom we have a rug to sit on but everyone is in rows. There are just too many kids for a circle. It this okay? What do you do in your classroom. 

Loved the list of warning signs at the end of the chapter. I need to copy this and hang it somewhere as a reminder until I learn this one. 

To Do's for Chapter 1
~ Take responsibility for my own upset
~ Maintain composure
~ Know your triggers & work on eliminating them
~ Create a safe spot in my classroom
~ Morning Meetings
~ Start class the brain-smart way; establish a morning routine to support this
~ Post list of warning signs 
~ Practice STAR and other ways to focus


  1. I love your ideas about the book. I have not had a safe place, but I do have a safe chair! It's a Howdahug chair and the kids love it. They can rock in it until they feel ready to join the group again. It gets used a lot at first, but by the end of the year we are always having to search for it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Congrats on the job opportunities!

    I keep a desk right outside the classroom door. It is used as a place to cool down, be in a less distracting work environment (depending on what class is working on) Students write their name under the "safe" sign on the whiteboard. They also take a timer and set it for 15 minutes. If they need more time, they come back in and put a check next to their name.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  3. In an Early Childhood class I took a long time ago, this spot was referred to as the Cozy Corner, and it was recommended that every classroom have one... a little tucked away, safe spot where an overwhelmed kid can hang out. Later, when I was an aide in an elementary school, we had the Cooling Off spot, which was, for some reason, both a disciplinary spot and a place where kids could go to relax when they started to feel out of control. When I get my own classroom, I definitely plan to have some sort of Cozy Corner!

  4. I do have a safe place, but I struggled with the idea of calling it a "safe place". It almost implies that the ret of the room is not safe. I don't know. My kiddos and I brainstormed the name last year (first year of doing CD). Here is my post about it with a photo:

    My students loved it and AMAZINGLY enough, never abused it. I only had to prompt a few to come back to the group (they were pushing over 10 minutes!).
    New Adventures in First Grade

  5. P.S. Congrats on the job opporunity!

  6. I love your site and the brain based learning section. I am giving you the Versatile Blogger award. You can go pick it up at Homemade First Grade.

  7. Congratulations on your interview! Just like Lori, I have also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award as a thank you for all of the wonderful ideas that you share on your fantastic blog. Please visit to accept your award.


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