Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Phantom Ghost Town - FREEBIE

Today's freebie is one that I discovered over a year ago and just had to share!  

I have been striving for years to teach my children that holidays are more about more than what you can receive, it is about what you can give to others. Giving selflessly without expecting anything return is a skill that seems to be disappearing.

To get a copy of their poem check out their blog post from last year called Halloween Printable Fun!

I am planning on doing this at home with my children and at school! This means that I will need to prepare and leave 4 treats. However, I am actually going to make 6. My sister's in law live in another neighborhood close by and I plan on leaving this at their doors. I may even make more and take it over to my other 2 sister's in law and my bff. I will just spread the love around the city. 

I am so excited for a new twist on this holiday. I am planning on starting tonight..... Please leave me a comment if you are planning to join in. 

Stop in tomorrow for another Halloween Freebie! 

More on the saga from home.... 

We made the hard choice to move to a new area. The schools here are horrible and I have been warned about the black hole in our school system. I have heard from 3 different teachers on 3 different occasions that the schools are known to give bad reviews to teachers looking to move to other districts to avoid them being hired away. So with hubby being laid off next week (or so rumor has it), it is time to cut our loses and run. 

If I go MIA... send someone to find me. I will be the one buried under a pile of boxes.


  1. Sorry to hear about the problems with the district and so forth.. it's just another frustrating life lesson! Hang in there, lady!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. How terrible of those districts to do that! Thankfully, you found out before it was too late...


    Mrs. Allen’s 5th Grade Files


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