Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh Connecticut!

My thoughts and prayers are with you all today. This is just so heart breaking. I have the urge to run down to the school and take my kids home to love them.

Update: My kids came home. My third grader's teacher stopped the class to tell them about this incident in the middle of school!!! Why?? Why would she do that?? He says he does not know. My fourth grader at the same school and eighth grader in the same district heard nothing. BUT my third grader was so scared and worried for the rest of the day. He came home asking if he was safe at school or if someone might shot him too. WHY??

1 comment:

  1. Your family will be on my prayer list daily. I hope things work out for your husband getting a job and you getting well. I am so sorry!!
    Susan in NC


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