The teacher gave NO NOTICE!
This is a pet peeve of mine. We live paycheck to paycheck... well we did when we were working. Now we have no income and a giant project due on Monday. The school is aware of our circumstances yet no help with this project was given. Sigh...
To further irritate me, he was given a rubric with little to no information on what to do and was given the advice to google for help. So I googled. I found a lot of information on the Incredible Edible Cell Project. This site is particular good for information on cells.
We were also told no jello.
Most edible cells are made out of jello.
How to make...
Using the site I gave you above we had a pretty good idea of how to put the pie together. We filled the pie crust with chocolate pudding. Then we used a melon-baller to make just the right size in the orange to insert the peanut butter cup. Then we stuck the nucleus (orange) into our pudding pie. We surrounded it with the other items and finally labeled it with toothpicks.
WALA... one edible cell!
The pictures make a backwards L in the order in which we added the items so you can kinda see step-by-step what we did. For the tooth-pick labels I cut strips out of index cards, folded the strips in half, and the stuck the toothpick in gluing the two sides together.
What we used...
membrane = Graham Cracker Crust
= Inside of the Orange
= Reese Mini PB Cup
Membrane = Orange Peel
= Chocolate Pudding
E.R. = Gummy Worms
E.R. = Sour Gummy Worms
Bodies = Blue Laffy Taffy
= Candy Sprinkles
= Twix
= Chocolate Chips
= Orange M&M’s
= Marshmallow
Cost: about $50!
Cute... fun... expensive project
and yep...
He got an A!
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