Monday, June 11, 2012

Birthday Balloons & Ruler Holder

It's time for another Made it Monday with Tara!! I am gettting so much done because of this linky party. So... what did I do this past week?

Birthday Balloons

I have been wanting to make these every since I first saw this on pinterest. This idea came from Teaching in Flip Flops in her debut of her 2011 classroom. There are amazing pictures over there that you HAVE to see!

Now I couldn't do pixie sticks as 1) it goes against school nutritional policy and 2) there is no way I am giving any kid that much sugar much less in a classroom where I need them to be cooperative. So I settled for curly straws instead. 

Here are the steps for this project: 
1) Print out cute balloons from TpT.
2) Cut out
3) Laminate
4) cute out again (sigh....)
5) scotch tape on straw
6) make bow and hot glue on

TADA! Isn't it cute??? 

Next Project I wanted to make -- didn't happen as I couldn't find one of the things I needed.  So... instead I made this ruler holder I saw last week in the Made It Monday Party.

 Ruler Holders

So I found this idea last week and knew it had to go on my list. It fits perfectly in with my caddies (project coming up!! The original idea came from Classroom DIY. They have so many great ideas!!

Instead of scrapbook paper I used leftover contact paper that I had from another project earlier on in the year. When I first wrapped the can... the Pringles designed showed through so I had my son primer them and then covered them.

I really like how this came out! One down... four more to go!

Blog Updates
In addition to that this week I added a new page to my blog and am organizing and updating things so that it is easier to find some things that peeps have been looking for. 

Check out my new Teaching & The Brain Page! I will be updating my reading list to a similar format sometime in the future. I thought about a products page but I don't know if I should. Selling things just helps me buy more materials for my classroom but it is not my main purpose of blogging. What are your thoughts? Would this be beneficial to you?

Blog Designs

And as always - I am working with Erika on some great new blog designs. Come check them out over at Honey Bunch Blog Designs. Plus we changed my background (which I LOVE!!).

What a busy week! 
And I have another busy one ahead of me. 
What did you make this week?


  1. LOVE both your projects!!!! I want to do those balloons too!!! So cute and I love the straw idea!!! NO WAY am I giving that much sugar out either!!! Your ruler can matches my classroom too....hint hint!! lol!

    On another note...I am starting to totally catch the WBT bug! I started reading this morning more in depth on one of the links you posted and I am liking what I am seeing:) If I totally buy into this you're gonna be sick of me by the time school starts;) LOL

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. So I am thinking even 8th graders would love the birthday balloon! I agree there is no way I would give them sugar! Should I try out the birthday balloons with 8th graders?

    1. Alana -

      I have a 3rd, 4th, and 8th grader and they all love the balloons! So I would say yes - go for it!!

  3. Ok so these are all mine... when are you making yours?! hehehe

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog

  4. Love your projects. The birthday balloons are on my summer to do list as well!

    Success in Second Grade

  5. Your balloons came out super cute! Where did you find the polka dotted balloons? I used the pixie sticks last year when I made them, but am leaning toward the fancy straws instead for next year. I also think you did great with that ruler holder. :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Hi Lisa -

      Thanks! I forgot to put the link to my TpT where you can download my balloons for free. I made them in publisher. =) It was my first attempt at creating my own clipart so no laughing!

  6. Love the balloons (especially using a crazy straw...genius!).


    Fun in Room 4B

  7. Great projects! Those are both on my to-do list, and I totally agree about the pixie sticks. I didn't plan on using those either!


  8. I love the Birthday Balloons. I need to make something like that too!

    Little Treasures

  9. Hey Misty
    This is an awesome blog! I love, love love it! Great pinterest ideas, by the way. I'm your newest follower~come visit me sometime!
    The Caffeinated Classroom

  10. I just found your blog through Tara's linky and I'm your newest follower. I'm right there with on not giving kids that much sugar! Occasionally, I do give them sugary treats - but they always have to wait and eat them at dismissal. HaHa. Then, their parents get them when their wild ;) I'm so glad to find another blog design. I've been trying SO hard to create my own (and have changed it many times) but I just can't seem to get it "just right." It's time I get help. haha

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans


I love comments! Thank you for taking the time to chat with me. =)