Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Dream Come True

So I am posting twice today to announce that my other baby - the nephew who lived me up until his recent move to La Jolla was just recruited by USC. I miss him terribly but am so happy that his dream of playing professional football is one step closer. Check out -- Jordan Poland! This is just one of many stories. He may be big but he will always be my baby. I love you baby boy! CONGRATS!!


  1. Misty, did you see the red, black and white learning objectives posters I made for you?
    Confessions of a Teaching Junkie

  2. How exciting! Congrats to your nephew!

  3. I love your balloons! I bought some straws the other day, so I'm almost ready to start!!

    And I have a similar ruler holder. My grandma (yes, my grandma!!) knit a cover for a Pringles can, like, twenty years ago, and gave them to all of us kids for Christmas! I held onto it, and once I became a teacher, I finally had a use for it! lol
    Buzzing with Ms. B


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